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Phase II Environmental Site Assessment – Industrial Facility – Indiana

In 1998 we became involved in a Limited Phase II Soil and Groundwater Testing project for a client who owned a property across from a paint manufacturer, Red Spot Paint and Varnish in Evansville. During the investigation, we found contaminated groundwater on our client’s property. The project ultimately became involved in a Federal lawsuit. We handled much of the site characterization, and ultimately worked side by side with Red Spot’s environmental firm, and assisted with expert testimony. The end result, 10 years later, was a default judgement against Red Spot who ultimately had to pay our client an estimated $14 to $26 million. This project highlights our ability to navigate a complicated network of parties such as clients, subcontractors, adjacent property owners, other environmental consulting firms, lawyers, regulators, and expert witnesses.

Asbestos Building Inspection – Industrial Facility – Indiana

CES was contracted to inspect a 47-acre industrial facility that had been operating since the late 1800s for asbestos containing material (ACM). CES’s team of state-licensed asbestos inspectors was able to inspect and sample the entire facility in less than a day and identified a number of ACMs at the facility including thermal system insulation and ceiling tiles.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment – Vacant Property – Indiana

Our client wanted to expand his business and requested that CES conduct a Phase I ESA to determine if the property had environmental issues worth consideration. At first glance, the property appeared to be nothing more than a vacant parcel. However, observations during the site visit suggested historical dumping had occurred at the site. A thorough records review and interviews with several members of the community indicated that illegal dumping had occurred at the site, including materials that could pose a threat to soil and groundwater resources. Additionally, IDEM records indicated a release had occurred at an adjacent facility and that the release may have migrated onto the site in question.

Asbestos Building Inspections – Municipal Agency – Indiana

A municipal agency proposed to demolish hundreds of homes owned by the city. CES was contracted to inspect the homes for asbestos containing materials (ACM), and all potential ACM was sampled for laboratory analysis. CES was able to inspect up to 15 homes per day and get results to demolition teams in a very short turnaround time.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment – Brownfields Facility – Indiana

Following a Phase I ESA completed by CES, a site characterization was completed to investigate identified RECs. A total of 22 soil samples, collected from soil borings and surface samples, and 11 groundwater samples were collected during the Phase II ESA. Maps were created to help the client visualize the findings. CES also performed calculations to determine the approximate volume of fill material placed on the site over the site’s long history. Additionally, we presented the client with recommendations for moving forward and are presently working with the client to get the property transferred. CES also assisted the Prospective Purchaser in obtaining a Comfort Letter from the state.

Permitting, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Engineered Bank Stabilization, Stream Compensatory Mitigation Plans and Monitoring – Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari – Santa Claus, Indiana

We have been involved with the development of the last six major attractions added to the Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari park: Kima Bay, Pilgrim’s Plunge, Wildebeest, Mammoth, Hyena Falls, and the Thunderbird. For these projects, and assorted other infrastructure projects, CES provided the following services: permitting, compensatory mitigation plans and monitoring, SWPPP’s, and drainage plans. CES also worked with the design engineering firm and contractor for an access road to their parking area. We saved the client about 800 feet of pavement and a 6% grade on the roadway by revising the route of the road. CES provided a solution for a stream crossing that stayed within the boundaries the USACE dictated, was cost effective, and environmentally sustainable. We improved upon the design created by another firm that called for unnecessary materials, thus saving the client thousands of dollars. Additionally, we were able to determine that the installation contractor was not installing bank stabilization materials properly early on in the process, which ultimately saved the client time and money.

Abbreviated Phase II Environmental Site Assessment – Vacant Industrial Lot – Indiana

Following a Phase I ESA completed by CES, a limited site characterization was completed to investigate identified Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) on a vacant industrial lot. Several of the RECs had been previously unidentified by previous companies that had done extensive site characterization work at the property. Soil borings were advanced and groundwater and soil samples were collected to investigate suspected releases from historical industrial activities that occurred at the site. Levels of contaminates were detected at locations not previously sampled by other consultants. The results from this ESA supplied our client with the information they needed to make an informed decision concerning the procurement of the property.

Underground Storage Tank Closure – Transportation Facility – Indiana

CES managed the removal of five underground storage tanks at a major transportation facility. This project displays our ability to communicate as several layers of contractors and subcontractors were involved with the project. The exact location and contents of the tanks was unknown at the initiation of the project. CES worked with contractors to identify the locations and sample the contents of the tanks prior to removal. Tight scheduling, on-site security protocol, and payroll documentation requirements made the project challenging. CES handled all regulatory documentation during the tank removal and closure process. In addition to tank removal, contaminated soil was removed from the site and disposed of at an appropriate disposal facility with CES handling every phase of the remediation.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan – Agricultural Plot – Indiana

CES was contracted to design a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for a client wishing to remove material for a construction project. The resulting landscape was to be converted to a residential subdivision centered around the borrow pit area. As subcontractor needs evolved, CES was forced to maintain flexibility and make frequent changes to previous designs. The resulting project design included the use of diversions, temporary sediment basins, rock check dams, erosion control blankets, and silt fences to manage runoff at the site during construction activities. In the end, our client was appreciative of the flexibility and efficiency we maintained throughout the project’s timeline.

Permitting – Air Permitting – Industrial Facility – Indiana

CES was contracted to prepare, submit, and maintain an Air Permit for a client involved in industrial material processing. Originally a Permit-by-Rule was obtained, and as the facility grew a Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP) was obtained. CES is constantly aware of changes made to the regulatory process and is able to provide the proper permitting for our clients without interruption. As client needs evolved, CES was able to adequately update the permit to reflect the changes made to the processing center. In the end, our client appreciates the promptness, preparedness, and efficiency we maintain throughout the permitting process.

Residential Mold Inspection & Sampling – Various Locations – Tri-State Region

CES’s team of trained and certified mold inspectors frequently get calls from home owners seeking help with mold issues at their homes. In fact, many mold remediation companies will not agree to begin remediation until they receive our recommendations first. While most companies do not take the time to listen to their “less lucrative” clients, CES takes the health and well-being of all our clients seriously. In one case, a homeowner contacted us because their special-needs son was experiencing health issues and they were concerned that mold might be the cause. The inspection of the home identified significant mold growth in the crawlspace, some of which was directly below the bedroom of the child. CES worked with the client to formulate a remediation plan. Clients appreciate our knowledgeable and careful approach to inspections and sampling

Mold Inspection & Sampling – Healthcare Facility - Indiana

CES was contacted to investigate an on-going mold problem occurring in a healthcare facility. Residents had complained of musty odors and staff had been battling mold growth and moisture intrusion problems throughout the building. High relative humidity readings were measured throughout the building. CES technicians determined that the problem was multi-faceted and included a combination of poor building practices, improperly designed and installed HVAC systems, and poorly designed landscaping were contributing to an environment conducive to mold growth in the building. CES engineers performed calculations and determined the central HVAC units were undersized and unable to maintain humidity levels at acceptable levels. CES helped the client formulate a plan to address both the underlying issues behind the mold problem and the necessary remediation. This project is an example of how CES goes the extra mile to help our clients find long-term solutions to their problems.

Projects : Project

Phone: (812) 909-0829 (Main Office)       Fax: (812) 909-0471

Phone: (317) 672-2310 (Indy Office)

921 Keck Avenue

Evansville, IN 47711 (Main Office)

6745 S. Gray Road, Suite I

Indianapolis, IN 46237


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